

Why EMC-100 much better than other Chinese’s power source CUT120, CUT100?

2017-06-07 2071

All EMC series of plasma power sources, all the current marked is real or even a little less than real.


Our EMC-100 is really 100A, even when a little over duty, it is also OK. Real 100A means 100% duty circle @ 100A. As all our inside units are using the best and also more than indicated capacity. However, most machines made in China in the market are over-marked, some actually is only 80% or 60% @ 100A, they mark as CUT120.


Secondly, our EMC series of plasma power sources are designed specially for machine cutting. The arc start way is different from most other China made power sources, with this characteristic, our strength is in pierce and quality of cutting. Same cutting torch, when swift to use our plasma power source, times of pierce will increase. If customers use our EMC plasma power source only for manual cutting, it is a waste of resource. Therefore, when we sell our EMC series of plasma power source, normally we will not include manual cutting torch.


Thirdly, our plasma cutting torches and consumables are specially designed by ourselves, with excellent cutting performance. Our EMC-100 plasma power source with our torch, we can easily to achieve more than 1000 times of pierce. With highest quality P80 torch in market, the pierce time will be reduced dramatically. Most P80 torches in the market, the pierce is around 80-100 times, good quality one can reach 150 times around, if 180 times above, it can be called one of the best. Same plasma power source if change to use our torch, the cutting capacity and cutting quality will be improved also.


EMC-100’s main parameters:



Cutting Current


Duty Circle

100% @ 100A

Pierce Thickness

Maximum: 22mm

Quality: 16mm(Long time)

Edge Cutting


38mm by machine